"It takes a village to support a family"

Village Keepers (formerly RUA’H Community Outreach) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that envisions a world where all people, especially disenfranchised Black people, are guaranteed the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, with freedom and justice for all” (U.S. Constitution). We envision a world where life sustaining resources are a ‘right’ and available to help all families and individuals become self-sufficient and prosper.

Let our vision be your vision
The Mission of Village Keepers is to establish and coordinate a holistic network of Black organizations, individuals and allies dedicated to ensuring the safety, health, education, economic and emotional stability of Black families who are impacted by poverty and systemic racism within East and Central Contra Costa, County, CA.

1. Provide essential services to support family stability and prosperity.
2. Provide education for community empowerment.
3. Collaborate with individuals, churches, businesses, civic groups; corporations and government organizations that promote the well-being of Black families and communities.
Services Available
Emergency food, clothing, shelter, transportation
Pro-Active Parenting Education & Family structure
Family Wellness Center (medical screening, health and mental health education)
Family and Individual Counseling
Parent Support Programs (single parents, two parent families, parents of children with special needs, and grandparents)
Rites of Passage - life skills training (youth & adults)
Academic Scholarships (tutoring, scholarships)
Money Management
Job Preparation & Training
Black History & Impact of Current Events
Cultural Diversity
Seminars/Classes for Community Empowerment:
Social Justice & Public Policy
Community Safety & Law Enforcement
Political Engagement
Family Preservation
Equity in Healthcare
Equity in Education
Resource Development
Business Development
The services available will be presented in an Afrocentric cultural context and provided by professionals and organizations who have expertise in the service areas listed. All information will be kept confidential in accordance with State/Federal HIPPA Laws that protect client privacy.

Let us serve you today!
Families and individuals who believe they can benefit from the services listed. Participants can be self-referred. They do not have to be involved with County social services or the court system in order to receive services.
Hours: Family Wellness Center
Tuesday & Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Call for an Appointment
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
By Appointment Only
All Calls will be returned within 24 hours.
Cost: Services are provided on a sliding fee scale. Limited scholarships are available.
Village Keepers, Inc. does not receive federal or state funding. The organization is supported by fundraisers, private donations, and the service of volunteers. Donations are welcomed and tax deductible.
The State of Black America
The rate of the COVID-19 virus is 30% higher in the Black community than the general population.
32% of Black American households are led by single mothers.
The population of Black America is 46,800 million people: 14% of the total U.S. population of 331 million.
18.8% of Black Americans live below the poverty line.
36% of Black American households are led by single parents; mothers (32%) and fathers (6%).
Black Americans have the highest unemployment rate (6%) in the country.
The national incarceration rate for Black adults and young adult males is 33%.
The school suspension rate across the country for Black Americans is 63%.
Black Americans have a 20% higher rate of chronic illness than all other ethnic groups.
The rate of the COVID Virus is 30% higher in the Black community than the general population.
Sources: 2020 Census, 2019 Pew Reseach Center, Center for Disease Control, and American Medical Association.
Village Keepers, Inc. is committed to mobilizing the Black community and its’ allies to reduce these systemic inequities.
Black and bi-racial families who identify
as African American parents or caregivers with exceptional children attending public and private schools.
Bi-monthly support group meetings:
1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7 p.m.
In person and on Zoom
Services are based on a Sliding scale